Driving home from dropping Alyssa at preschool, Hannah was chattering away about what she wanted to do for the morning. Halfway listening to her, I heard her talking about Candyland and the new way she wanted to play the game. She sounded to matter-of-fact and grown up and was saying something about making the colors count for something and I patiently waited too see if she could come up with the word "value". She did. I finally heard what she was saying and laughed at myself as I realized that she had just created our math assignment for the day.
Based on the Cuisenair Rods we often use for Math, she gave the tiles of the board the same value. The pink ones would only get one point. Hannah who likes to be in charge, was in charge of keeping the score. We played until someone made it to 100. Hannah won with a score of 108 while I had 89.
And we never did make it to the candy castle!